Akron Inner City Soccer Club cordially invites you and your teams to come and celebrate the 10th Annual Akron Unity Tournament to be held at the beautiful Copley Road Soccer Complex in Akron, Ohio. Come and experience a tournament that is friendly and diverse. It’s our hope and expectation that your teams will come to make this tournament better and bigger than last year.
The tournament is a fund-raiser for the non-profit AICSC, a growing GAASA member providing soccer education throughout Akron area, and a member of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) Diversity Partner. The 10th Annual Akron Unity Tournament is open to teams that meet the level of play standards.
Each player must carry a player pass or a proof of age.
NO REFUNDS once a team has been notified of acceptance.
Tournament Director, Dele Olabisi can be reached at 330-524-3776.
Tournament Marshall; Ike Samson-Akpan can be reached at 330-573-0946
The tournament will be conducted with standard format modified for the number of teams in a division. In round-robin play, teams will earn 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 point for a loss: 0 point for more than 10 goal margin, the raw score is adjusted for the 4-goal margin. The advancement tie breakers are head to head, goal differential (maximum 4), goals allowed, goal scored, sportsmanship, and if still tied, a P.K. contest. The tournament will use F.I.F.A. rules of play and standard modifications for youth in all the youth divisions U9 through U12. Unlimited substitution is permitted in the older divisions.
Substitutions will be allowed with permission of the referee:
- after a goal by either team;
- at the referee’s discretion after an injury;
- prior to a throw-in, in your favor;
- prior to a goal kick.

All players must have a U.S. Youth Soccer player pass and/or other acceptable proof of age. Youth rosters are limited to18 for U13 through U15 playing 11v11, to 14 for U11 through12 playing 9v9 and to 12 for U9 through U10 playing 7v7. U.S. Club Soccer teams playing as community competitive travel teams are accepted, and guest players may come from any USSF affiliate so long as they bring proof of insurance.
If there are sufficient entries in any age group, the tournament will offer both gold and silver levels of play. The tournament will schedule a division for any age group in which there are at 3 entries. In order for there to be two levels of play, at least 10 entries must be received in the age group. If there are two levels of play, the gold level will be for “competitive teams” (travel/classic A-B teams), while the silver will be for travel/classic C-D teams. Pickup teams and tournament teams will be evaluated based on information supplied by the entrant and by the organizers prior knowledge of the participants. Guest players are permitted, but the organizers have the right to evaluate guest players based on the team they are coming from and limit the number of players who might be multiple-rostered on higher level teams. NOTE: Guest players must be from the same USSF affiliate as the team to which they are requesting to guest play with.
No. 5 - U-15, U-13
No. 4 - U-12, U-11, U-10, U-9
The division champions will receive trophies.
Akron Inner City Soccer Club uses U.S.S.F. trained and certified referees.
The entry deadline is Sunday, August 2, 2020, by mail. Early entry is advised. Mail entries to the indicated address. Be sure to include your check…no entry is accepted until paid. There are NO REFUNDS for any reason after you have been notified of acceptance. You are advised to call before entering late. You will be emailed and notified when we receive your entry and updated on the status of your division. Schedule will be available Wednesday, August 5, on our web site.
Please register team’s age appropriate using US Youth Soccer age requirements.
U9-Boys & Girls Born in 2012
U10-Boys & Girls Born in 2011
U11-Boys & Girls Born in 2010
U12-Boys & Girls Born in 2009
U13-Boys & Girls Born in 2008
U14-Boys & Girls Born in 2007
U15-Boys & Girls Born in 2006

Players and coaches are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of the Law, as well as the letter of the Law. Displays of temper dissent by word or action against the opponent or referee, and retaliation of fouls are cause for ejection from the game. Players receiving a red or two yellow cards will not be permitted to participate in the next scheduled game. Coaches and spectators may be asked to leave by the referee. Any Coach that is suspended from the current game must leave the game site and will not be permitted to participate in the next scheduled game.
Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams MUST appear on the field of play, ready to play as scheduled. Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the game. Only referees and/or the Tournament Directors can cancel a game.
Inclement weather before games: In case of severe weather conditions before play, referees and/or the Tournament Director MAY reduce the length of the game by 50%.
Games interrupted in the first half:
a. If time permits, play to completion.
b. If time permits, play to completion of at least the first half and record the score as complete.
c. If the first half cannot be completed, the game will be called a scoreless tie and each team will be awarded one point.
Games interrupted after completion of first half:
a. If time permits, play to completion.
b. If time does not permit, the game will be called complete and the score at the time of the interruption recorded.
A U13 or U15 team that cannot field 8 players within five minutes after a match is scheduled to begin, shall forfeit the match. Three points will be awarded to the opponent and the score will be recorded as the greatest differential allowed in the bracket. For example, if the greatest differential in any group game is a five goal margin the team that gains the forfeit will be credited with five goals for the purpose of determining goal difference. In the U11 and U12 age groups, which are 9v9, a team that cannot field six players within five minutes after a match is scheduled to begin shall forfeit the match. In the U9 and U10 age group which are 7v7 a team that cannot field five players shall forfeit the match.