You are currently viewing ANNUAL CLUB BANQUET


Inner City Soccer CLub, Akron, Ohio hereby invites the public to her annual Banquet which is coming up as scheduled:

Coventry Oaks Lodge – Firestone Metro park
40 Axline Ave. Akron, OH 44319
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Join the families of the Inner-City Soccer Club as we celebrate
the accomplishments of the players.
Cost for friends & family: $12 per person for the banquet

Register online at Eventbrite –

Players: $10 for banquet & trophy
(payment due by Friday October 25th: no exceptions)
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November 2, 2019 at 2 – 5 p.m.
Coventry Oaks Lodge – Firestone Metro park
40 Axline Ave.
Questions? Call Christina 330-310-6926 or Angelica 330-907-1510

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